
Donald Riley

Founder of Dessert First.

Donald has been making desserts from scratch for over 20 years. Donald is a self taught baker who has a passion for making great desserts. Donald was challenged with creating a great dessert when his oven broke and his girlfriend wanted a dessert as a snack. He decided to make her a refrigerated pie.

When she tasted the pie, now known as the chocolate lovers pie, she suggested that he sell his desserts and Walla! The beginning of “D. Riley Dessert First.”

Thanks to my love Monica, who has inspired me to share my dessert creations with the world!

Donald has a passion for great tasting food. His pies are made with quality ingredients that creates delightful flavors and great taste. These pies are so creamy and delicious, you cannot eat just one slice.
— Pie eater and Fan
We must have Pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of Pie.
— David Mamet
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Thank you for checking us out.

I am passionate about making great desserts. If you decide to order with us, you too will become a raving fan of our desserts. Thank You!

Donald Riley - Your Dessert Specialist.



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